Teaching Our Cities & Schoolyards: Project-Based Learning In Action

  Robyn Stewart           May 30, 2022

What if urban public schools could mobilize their cities and schoolyards as classrooms – helping city students connect to their urban environments, master high academic standards, and grow into environmental stewards? Teaching our Cities and Schoolyards was a two-year project that aimed to do just that, with support from the EPA’s Environmental Education Grant Program. Two Common Ground programs – Teaching Our Cities and the Schoolyards Program...

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Teaching Our Cities


Rooting Urban Public Schools In Their Urban Environments

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Teaching Our Cities & Schoolyards: Project-Based Learning In Action
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Learn about authentic projects and learning experiences, helping students meet high academic expectations through real work connected to their urban environments. Starting in 2022, and growing in 2024, this collection of learning experiences is documented through a joint effort of Common Ground's Schoolyards Program, K-12 schools across New England, and Teaching Our Cities.