Elm City Montessori School
Elm City Montessori School
495 Blake St
New Haven, CT 06515
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David Weinreb
Magnet Resource Teacher


Elm City Montessori School

About Elm City Montessori School

Elm City Montessori School opened in August 2014 with 70 children ages 3 through 5. It is New Haven’s first public Montessori school, and Connecticut’s only local charter school. Elm City Montessori School is a racially and economically diverse New Haven public elementary school serving PreK-3 through 8th grade, where students are guided to make decisions and work to their full potential through an educational program that follows Dr. Maria Montessori’s philosophy. Montessori education focuses on child-centered learning in multi-age classrooms, hands-on inquiry and intensive family engagement.

About Our Schoolyard

Our school (located at 495 Blake Street) is adjacent to a treasure trove of natural resources. We immediately neighbor the West River, and have easy access to the expanses of West Rock Park. We have previously used our local natural environment for learning in a variety of ways, some of which include exploratory hikes, river water testing, and plant identification. 

Blog Posts

Teaching Our Cities & Schoolyards: Project-Based Learning In Action

  Robyn Stewart           May 30, 2022

What if urban public schools could mobilize their cities and schoolyards as classrooms – helping city students connect to their urban environments, master high academic standards, and grow into environmental stewards? Teaching our Cities and Schoolyards was a two-year project that aimed to do just that, with support from the EPA’s Environmental...

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Students may use this diagram to identify parts of an earthworm.
Little-known secret: Almost every earthworm in most of the U.S. came from somewhere else. Native earthworms all but disappeared more than 10,000 years ago, when glaciers from a Pleistocene ice age wiped them out. A few survived further south. But... read more
Life Cycle of an Earthworm From Life cycle of the earthworm, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crvi.2007.03.016. Used under CC BY- NC.
Photographs of students participating in the activity
West River Watershed Management Plan Technical Memorandum #1: State of the Watershed February 2015 Prepared For: Save the Sound & West River Watershed Coalition In Cooperation With: Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental... read more
Worksheet for students in grades 2-5