Albert Einstein once said, “You have to color outside the lines once in awhile if you want to make your life a masterpiece.” In an educational climate that is based increasingly on accountability measures and standardized practice, Connecticut River Academy has been committed to fulfilling these expectations within the context of theme-based programming. We believe that doing so promotes...
Posts By Author
Alison Suffet Diaz December 31, 2017
We walked into what we thought would be a crisp fall day in Boston, but instead was a sweltering humid 80+ degrees at the end of September. We were coming all the way from Los Angeles to meet up with educators and students from up and down the East Coast, all of us sweating together in the beautiful library of Boston Green Academy for a day of sharing, learning and inspiration. A year and a...
Jesse Delia December 21, 2017
Environmental Leadership (EL) is core to the mission of Common Ground High School - we believe that all students can learn and lead at high levels. In addition to the thematic threads that weave through all four years at CG, students build an EL portfolio over their time here that charts their struggles, successes, growth, and impact on the community. In addition to written reflections, the...