For me, community-based learning is about finding your strengths and learning how you can help other people. By working with people in the community you are able to widen your circle of friends and connections. Whether it be through a local internship with a concert promoter or volunteering at a local elementary school, there is always something new to learn about your community. I have never had...
Posts From Practice
Tina Nilsen-Hodges March 21, 2018
Throughout the year, New Roots students joined staff and administrators in an initiative called “Teaching Our Cities.” Funded through a mini-grant from the Environmental Protection Agency, we were able to participate in a year-long collaboration between six urban environmental public schools throughout the Northeast to answer one driving question: “What if urban public schools embraced...
Rebecca Cutter October 16, 2017
Building a strong “sense of place” is one of nine school-wide outcomes at New Roots Charter School. It’s also the name of our fall intensive program, designed to orient students to our school culture and important landmarks in our community. Getting our students rooted not just to their school building, but to downtown Ithaca as a whole, makes sense for both philosophical and practical...