About Michelle
Certified Teacher: School Counselor mmack@ctriveracademy.org
Michelle Mack is a 2nd school counselor at Connecticut River Academy. She earned a Bachelors of General Studies degree at the University of Connecitcut with a concentration in history. Michelle also completed her graudate degree in school counseling on the UConn campus. There she aided professors in researching the success of Black and Latino males in post-secondary instituations, the effects of school counseling on underrepresented groups, and after-school programs in urban areas. Michellle is also an advisor to the student activists school at CTRA and believes deeply in social justice and self empowerment.
Contact Michelle
About Connecticut River Academy
East Hartford, CT
Connecticut River Academy at Goodwin College is a magnet high school located along the Connecticut River in East Hartford. CTRA's sustainability theme provides hands-on learning in environmental studies and advanced manufacturing. CTRA also offers unique college and career experiences, including the opportunity to earn tuition free college credits.
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