Barnard Environmental Science and Technology School is a Title 1 magnet school located in New Haven CT that serves students pre-K through grade 8. 74% of our students come from New Haven and 26% from surrounding towns. We strive to inspire and support students to meet the challenges of the 21st century through a robust academic program where collaboration, innovation, and critical thinking skills ensure that our students will be college and career ready. We provide interactive outdoor learning spaces that engage the school community in the exploration of the natural world and foster environmental stewardship. Barnard Environmental Studies Magnet School is a dynamic and diverse science and technology-based learning community. The school has multiple partnerships that help support the environmental theme throughout the school, including with Common Ground and Trifecta Ecosystems.
Barnard's schoolyard includes its LEED Gold school building, a large courtyard school garden and aquaponics setup, and a schoolyard habitat. Barnard is connected by an enclosed walking bridge to the West River Nature Center, operated by the New Haven Parks Department, and to West River Memorial Park. It is located adjacent to the Little Red Hen community garden, in the West River neighborhood.